
Another example of a task

A task example: given a matrix, invert a sign of its first column.

The function should be called invert_1st_column.


10   20  30
40   50  60
-70 -80 -90
10   20  30


-10  20  30
-40  50  60
 70 -80 -90
-10  20  30

Let’s try to implement this:

function b = invert_1st_column(a)
    b = a;
    b(:, 1) = -b(:, 1);

Then let’s create a test_everything.m script:

printf("test task 2\n\n")


printf("test the task about inverting the first column:\n\n")

a = [10 20 30;
        40 50 60
       -70 -80 -90
        10 20 30];
invert_1st_column([10 20; 30 40])

Assertion and built-in tests

Let’s use the assert function. It get’s two arguments and compares them. It they are different, the error is raised. If they are similar, nothing is printed at all.

Usually you use it like this:

assert(your_function(args), correct_output)

And here is an example of the test_everything file:

printf("test task 2\n\n")

assert(task_2_lines(10), [10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ; -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10])

printf("test the task about inverting the first column:\n\n")

a = [10 20 30;
        40 50 60
       -70 -80 -90
        10 20 30];
a_inverted = [-10 20 30;
        -40 50 60
       70 -80 -90
        -10 20 30];
assert(invert_1st_column(a) , a_inverted)
assert(invert_1st_column([10 20; 30 40]) , [-10 20; -30 40])

Not mandatory by now, but please look at the link Octave tests and see how you can include tests just inside the function code.