A folder for the semester

Please first create a folder to store all your work during the semester. Take care of this folder, I hope it will stay at least during the end of the semester and its data will not be lost.

You will create subfolders for each block of tasks. By a block of tasks I mean a set of tasks that are united under the common title, such as “create matrices”, “indexing”, “vectorization” on our tasks page: our octave tasks. The name of the folder to create is written near the block title. So, by now you should create subfolders octave-matrices, octave-idexing, octave-vectorization.

Then you will solve tasks from blocks. Each task should consist of one file, you put it to the corresponding folder. Each task has a name, it is written in the beginning of the task, the name is usually task1, task2, etc. Other names are rare. The name of the file is the same as the task name plus the .m extension. For example, task1.m, task2.m, etc.

So, your will have the following folder structure:

├── octave-matrices
│   └── solutions.pdf or any other files that you sent me
├── octave-indexing
│   ├── task1.m
│   ├── task2.m
│   ├── task3.m
│   ├── task4.m
│   ├── filter_multiples.m
│   ├── seive.m
│   └── task6.m
└── octave-vectorization
    ├── task1.m
    ├── task2.m
    ├── task3.m
    ├── all2dets.m
    └── all_lines_intersections.m

The first block octave-matrices contains solutions.pdf instead of .m files because in the beginning of the semester we used the other way to submit tasks.


Please register at http://cocalc.com and send me somehow the email you used to register. I will add you as a student to the course.

After I register you, you will see a project in a list of projects called like mp-2020. There you will see folders called the same way as our task blocks: octave-indexing, octave-vectorization, etc.

You should synchronize your folder with the folders at the cocalc. It is possible to upload files to cocalc, move them, rename, so you can work with them as with usual files. Those who have an experience with SSH, could find instructions of how to work with cocalc through SSH at the page of projects settings.

So you will now not need to send me files in messengers, you will upload them to cocalc. I will check them there.